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Re: triviality regarding $# counts

On 2024-04-12 20:25, Lawrence Velázquez wrote:
We all understand that it can be difficult to boil a problem down
to a tractable, self-contained example.  But the alternative you've
chosen -- presenting baffling examples without necessary context,
describing your debugging attempts in vague terms without concrete
details, and inventing deeply bogus theories instead of consulting
the documentation first -- is making it difficult for us to help.
On the contrary, your help has been most effective.  I wouldn't know how to expand the context without expanding it 'all the way out' and that's more context than you want, trust me.  And sorry about the deeply bogus theories, I know they're deeply bogus but I'm a pattern seeking animal and I'll attempt to model what I think is going on knowing full well that I'm usually wrong. 

>  I have no idea where you think dollar signs are
coming from ... unless possibly because "typeset -p" will output array
elements using $'...' quoting if there are certain non-printable
characters in the element?

I dunno.  I've lost the example that I saved. Never mind, I'll keep an eye on it, and figure out next time. Red herring for now.  It's a bit confusing looking into typeset -p output. All this 'splitting' stuff is not simple. For now everything works and I'm quite sure it's a bit more orthodox.



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