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Re: sourcing a sh file in zsh

On 2009-01-17 at 12:15 -0800, Bart Schaefer wrote:
> This gets very tricky, however, when applied to functions that are
> actually designed for zsh.  An implicit preset of options implies an
> implicit restore later, but a zsh function which deliberately does
> NOT "setopt localoptions" is expecting any setopt it executes to
> persist after the function exits.  It'll be complicated to keep track
> of which options should be restored because of implicit preset, and
> which ones should not be restored because of explicit change.

True.  My usage scenario was too narrow -- the functions being defined
would never use setopt since they'd be non-zsh functions, except at the
top-level where this new feature would be enabled.

In a sense, I'm creating something akin to a namespace, but being more
of a setopt-value-space.  I'm wondering if it's worth looking at this
from a different angle and whether or not there's something along the
lines of a namespace concept which it's worth implementing, with setopts
being local to a namespace and being able to source a script in another
namespace, created at source time.

Now, a separate pair of items of things I should explore when I have
time, as approaches, tie into this but I hadn't noticed the connection
before (down-side of what is mostly an unordered collection of crazy
ideas worked in with small nits):

----------------------------8< cut here >8------------------------------
Namespaced variables?
  Default is 'main'
  znamespace valid-var-name   to change current, reverts on return from scope?
  Case-insensitive, so that you can use consistent capitalisation for the entire qualified var-name
  ${namespace.varname} to get others (braces mandatory)
  All zsh builtin params also available in 'zsh' namespace.
  So ${ZSH.SECONDS}, ${zsh.fpath}, etc.
  All existing vars bound as before.
  Can we handle multiple names bound to exact same var, besides the tied FOO/foo case?
    -- only the namespace case-insensitive
  ZSHZLE.* for widget variables which persist, such as killring?
  How to handle assignment?  Make dot valid at parse-time separately?

  Methods via var.method, so that scalarvar.charlen and sv.bytelen give results.
  Have special namespace variables which have the method return any variable
    within that namespace so that you can chain.
  Thus ${zsh.fpath.count} gives the number of elements in the zsh fpath array.
----------------------------8< cut here >8------------------------------
  (DISCLAIMER: my notes contain crazy ideas)

So, is it instead a case of making setopts namespace-bound, thinking
more carefully about syntax than my rough scratchings above, moving much
of completion into a separate namespace and then have functions called
from outside the namespace switch namespace upon invocation and restore
on departure, mechanics much as I described for setopt, but abstracted
out to a container for whatever semantics we want to make

Please, bang this idea about a bit, shoot down or refine as appropriate.


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