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test version housekeeping

I made 5.0.2-test-2 and it got uploaded apparently successfully, but it
hasn't appeared yet.

It didn't have the problem Jun T noticed fixed --- that looks like it'll
cause mayhem on Macs so probably best to wait for a new one.

In the process, I created the usual mayhem with version numbers: there
are bogus tags for both 5.0.3-test-1 and 5.0.3-test-2 which you should
ignore for now --- I'll try and sanitise them after 5.0.3 so that they
aren't too confusing in future.  I also got the number in ChangeLog
wrong, which I tried to fix locally, but that hasn't propagated yet ---
so goodness knows what state my repository at home where I did it is.  I
may need to branch it back from the central one.

I'd therefore suggest waiting for 5.0.2-test-3 and see if I can get the
version numbers right.


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