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Re: [PATCH] Completion: Sort lz4 compression levels properly (+ a question)

On 7 Nov 2018, at 04:35, Oliver Kiddle <okiddle@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>The compadd interface perhaps isn't ideal. If -V was a standalone option
>like -1 and -2, intended to be used in combination with -J (to specify
>the group name), then it would be easier to modify the sort order.

Yeah, i don't know the history behind it, but i've found myself thinking exactly
that several times.

On 7 Nov 2018, at 04:35, Oliver Kiddle <okiddle@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>Can we improve it without breaking backward compatibility. -o with an
>argument could allow for more sorting options, e.g. -o numeric to do
>numeric sorting. Do we need to be concerned that someone somewhere may
>actually be using -o?

I can't find any instances of it in either the main zsh repo or the
zsh-completions one, nor in any of the 'vendor completions' i have installed on
my Mac or Ubuntu machines, so i bet you're right that it's not been used.

Are you suggesting removing the requirement to use it with -d, and giving it an
optarg to control the match-string sorting method?


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