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compctl -Tx 'w[0,...] ...' ...

What's the difference between

	compctl ... -- foo


	compctl -Tx 'w[0,foo]' ...

??  Aside from the obvious fact that you can use multiple `compctl ...`
commands but only one `compctl -Tx ...`.

Take a look at this:


newcompctl=(compctl -Tx $(compctl -L | while read -A stuff
    case $stuff[0] in
    (compctl) echo -n '
' $stuff ;;
    (*) echo -n $stuff ;;
done | while read -A compctl
    [[ $#compctl -eq 1 ]] && continue
    [[ "$compctl" = *\ -x\ * ]] && continue
    shift compctl
    case $compctl[1] in
    (-[CDT]*) ;;
      case $command in
      (-) ;;
        echo "'w[0,$command]'" $compctl -
  done) "'n[1,=]'" -f)
compctl -L | while read -A stuff
    case $stuff[0] in
    (compctl) echo -n '
' $stuff ;;
    (*) echo -n $stuff ;;
done | while read -A compctl
    [[ $#compctl -eq 1 ]] && continue
    [[ "$compctl" = *\ -x\ * ]] && continue
    shift compctl
    case $compctl[1] in
    (-[CDT]*) ;;
      case $command in
      (-) ;;
        compctl + $command
eval $newcompctl


The above turns every compctl that doesn't use -x (because -x completions
can't be nested) into a single huge compctl -T.  (It could probably be
cleaned up a lot, especially the `stuff' loop for unfolding compctls that
happen to have embedded newlines e.g. in -k '(...)' lists.)

With some finagling, it ought to be possible to rewrite all the compctls
that use -x in a similar manner, eventually reducing the entire collection
of compctls (except for -C and -D) to one `compctl -T`.

Now you may be wondering, what's the point of all this?  Well, at first it
was just a desire to have something like compctl -T but that kicked in only
after everything else failed.  (You can almost get this with -D, but only
for commands that don't already have some other completion.)  Beyond that,
though, it suggests that there may be a lot of redundant functionality in
the completion code, which could without much effort be folded together.

Also, if you convert all your compctls to one big -T like that, then you
can replace 'w[0,string]' with 'W[0,pattern]' and get an effect that a few
persistent zsh-users have been requesting for some years: pattern matching
on the command name when defining a completion.

Bart Schaefer                                 Brass Lantern Enterprises
http://www.well.com/user/barts              http://www.brasslantern.com

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