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Re: zsh binary for HP-UX 10.x

Peter Klotz wrote:
> Hi,
> sorry but I don't get the zsh compiled with ansic (I have no gcc) on HP-UX 
> 10.x.

If this is 3.0.5, it may be the old problem with Src/makepro.sed, which
you should replace with the following.

(Note to list:  this really ought to go into any `final' version
of 3.0.)  The only difference is that there is a $ missing at the
end of the `from' expression in the s-line.

# makepro.sed by Mark Weaver <Mark_Weaver@xxxxxxxxx>
s/\n\([_a-zA-Z][_0-9a-zA-Z]* *\)\((.*\)/ \1 _(\2);/

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