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man compctl

Hello all,
here's my completion for manpages.

# completion for manpages

# if ~/tmp/_man_ is too old then remove it and create a new one later
find ~/tmp -mtime 14 -name "_man_" -exec rm -f {} \;

createman () {
   echo "creating ~/tmp/_man_"
   find /usr/man -type f > ~/tmp/_man_
   find /usr/local/man -type f >> ~/tmp/_man_
   find /usr/X11R6/man -type f >> ~/tmp/_man_
   sed -e "s/.*\///" -e "s/\.gz//" -e "s/\.[^.]*$//" ~/tmp/_man_ | sort | uniq > ~/tmp/_man2_
   rm -f ~/tmp/_man_
   (for i in `cat ~/tmp/_man2_` ; do echo -n "$i " ; done) > ~/tmp/_man_
   rm -f ~/tmp/_man2_
if [ ! -f ~/tmp/_man_ ] ; then createman ; fi
man_pages=(`cat ~/tmp/_man_`)
compctl -f -k man_pages man

the first part (#### - ####) should better be put in a cron job or in
your .zlogout (if you don't have access to crontab) - it may take some
time to process those finds :-)


  -- Thomas Köhler   Email:  jean-luc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          <><                     jean-luc@xxxxxxx
   IRC: jeanluc  Channels:  #star_trek #linuxger #ixthys #knf
             WWW: http://home.pages.de/~jeanluc/

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