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clear terminal after display of less, <, and apropos


At first, many thanks of those who responded immediatetly to my last

As I am currently in the process of completely rewriting my configuration
from scratch, another problem just popped up:

Whenever I display some information with '< blurb' the terminal gets
cleared immediately after I quit the pager (more). The same happens after
executing an 'apropos' command.

The situation is a bit different for less:

j.wh4-422 ~ % less blurb
zsh: command not found: lesspipe.sh
j.wh4-422 ~ %

The error message shows up after I quit less, not right after initiating
the command.

Any hints of what I am doing wrong are appreciated a lot. Send comments
and flames about dull questions please either to /dev/null or directly to
me but not to the list.


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