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Re: Xterm title changing prompt problem: HELP!

Shawn Leas <sleas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> typed:
:This new thing I found is too kewl, but I need a little help.
:However, my right prompt is shifted to the left.  I suspect
:This is due to zsh keeping track of the length of the left
:part of the prompt, then adjusting where to put the right one.
:Should I just not have a right prompt? Or is there a way around
:PROMPT='];[%l] %n@%m %1v (%h) %t[%l] %n@%m %1v (%h) %t '
         ^ insert ``%{''             ^ insert ``%}''
PROMPT='%{^[];[%l] %n@%m %1v (%h) %t^G%}[%l] %n@%m %1v (%h) %t '

>From the manual (section PROMPT EXPANSION):
	    Include a string as a literal escape sequence.  The
	    string within the braces should not change the cur-
	    sor position.  Brace pairs can nest.
Geoff Wing   <gcw@xxxxxxxxx>            Mobile : 0412 162 441
Work URL: http://www.primenet.com.au/   Ego URL: http://pobox.com/~gcw/

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