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zsh startup files

Am I the only one that keeps getting annoyed by the sequence in which startup
files are read ?  It seems to be especially designed to make it easy for the
sysadmin to come up with a setup that is painful to override by users.
As a user and a syadmin who cares about users who like to override the
sysadmin's decisions, I think it should be changed.  Instead of something like

    /etc/zshenv ~/.zshenv /etc/zprofile ~/.zprofile /etc/zshrc ~/.zshrc ...

I suggest

    /etc/zshenv /etc/zprofile /etc/zshrc /etc/zlogin ~/.zshenv ~/.zprofile ...

This way the sysadmin can put in /etc/zprofile commands that should only be
executed at login time without having to worry about interference with the
user's ~/.zshenv settings.
And this way, when the sysadmin (or RedHat package maintainers) decide to put
bogus PATH and umask settings in /etc/zshrc it won't override my ~/.zprofile

	Stefan "pissed"

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