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Re: PS1 corrupted through "su"

>>>>> John Galbraith writes:

>>>>> "Steve" == Steve Reid <sreid@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
Steve> Root's shell being set to something other than zsh would cause
Steve> the behavior you're seeing.

Steve> You've probably checked that already, but sometimes the obvious
Steve> things are the easiest to forget.

> Yeah, I have a special user "toor" that is root, but uses
> /usr/local/bin/zsh as the shell.  I only actually use "root" itself if
> /usr/local is either missing or not installed yet.  I once made the mistake 
> of setting the actual root shell to /usr/local/bin/zsh...

I have a "suz" function wich sets te SHELL parameter to zsh and does an exec
zsh after suing.

  ____                 ____________________________________________________
 /____| NEMETH, ERVIN |____________________________________________________|
//	< airwin @ inf.bme.hu >		http://www.inf.bme.hu/~airwin
||	"Nonsense.  All you have to do is say 'Engage'"
||					-- Patrick Stewart about warp theory

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