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_tar -*Cf*?

hi zshers ..

i'd been having problems using the -C switch with _tar .. i'd usually
use it in the context of:

tar zxvf file.tar.gz -C /path/to/unpack 

however this would call _tar_archive and complete /path on the archives
directory structure. Looking at _tar i see:

elif [[ ( CURRENT -gt 2 && "$words[CURRENT-1]" = -*Cf*) ||
        ( CURRENT -eq 3 && "$words[2]" = *Cf* ) ]]; then

  # a directory for -C
     _files -/ 

I'm pretty new to zsh so forgive my ignorance, but shouldn't this be -C
rather than -Cf to get commpletion on the --directory to change to?  

Changing it to -C does indeed produce the completion i'd expected and
_tar_archive seems to work as i'd expect with this change. I guess i'm
looking for a sanity check .. is this a typo/error or is this likely to
break something?


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