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Wishlist for zsh: 3 tcsh features

I've been a happy user of zsh for a few years now, but there's 3 features
from tcsh that I'd love to either know how to enable or know how to add
to zsh:

	1) <Meta-Del>: In tcsh, when deleting elements in a path, 
	   <Meta-Del> generally deletes everything up to the next
	   "/" character, e.g.

		% /depot/src/cups-1.1.10<Meta-Del>

	   would delete up to

		% /depot/src

	  In zsh, vi-backward-kill-word deletes only the "10", and
	  backward-kill-word deletes the whole string

	2) <Meta-p>, part 1 : In tcsh, <Meta-p>, when looking up history
	   elements that begin with the already-typed string, will return 
	   a unique list of elements that match the string, e.g.:

		% ls /bar
		% ls /foo
		% ls /foo
		% ls /foo
		% ls /foo
		% ls /foo
		% ls /foo
		% ls /foo
		% ls <Meta-p>	-> ls /foo
		     <Meta-p>	-> ls /bar

	   In zsh, <Meta-p> returns matching elements, but is returns all
	   of them:

		% ls /bar
		% ls /foo
		% ls /foo
		% ls /foo
		% ls /foo
		% ls /foo
		% ls /foo
		% ls /foo
		% ls <Meta-p>	-> ls /foo
		     <Meta-p>	-> ls /foo
		     <Meta-p>	-> ls /foo
		     <Meta-p>	-> ls /bar

	3) <Meta-p>, part 2 : In tcsh, <Meta-p> will return the command that 
	   matches exactly what's been typed already:

		% ls /foo
		% ls /bar
		% ls /f<Meta-p>	-> ls /foo

	  In zsh, <Meta-p> returns the last command that matches the string
	  before the first space

		% ls /foo
		% ls /bar
		% ls /f<Meta-p>	-> ls /bar

While not having these features won't make me switch back, I'd love to know
how to enable them in zsh. 


| Jim Hranicky, Senior SysAdmin                   UF/CISE Department |
| E314D CSE Building                            Phone (352) 392-1499 |
| jfh@xxxxxxxxxxxx                      http://www.cise.ufl.edu/~jfh |

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