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I am experimenting a little bit with bestcrypt, decided to throw an
eye at a 2GB bestcrypt filesystem...

flognat@master:bcrypt-0.8-7<0> bctool new /mnt/20G/scratch/.fill1 -s 2048M -a blowfish
Enter password:
Verify password:
zsh: 26561 file size limit exceeded  bctool new /mnt/20G/scratch/.fill1 -s 2048M -a blowfish

Is it zsh complaining here? when I do limit filesize I get:

flognat@master:bcrypt-0.8-7<1> limit filesize    
filesize        unlimited

flognat@master:bcrypt-0.8-7<0> ls -la /mnt/20G/scratch
total 2097153
drwx------    2 flognat  root           72 Oct 21 20:55 ./
drwxr-xr-x   10 flognat  root          256 Oct 21 20:48 ../
-rwxr-x--t    1 flognat  flognat  2147483647 Oct 21 21:35 .fill1*

The filesystem, reiserfs should be able to handle this size.. What can
I have missed?


 The eye of the beholder rests on the beauty!

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