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hi - 

i found a neat looking prompt written for bash that i'd like to use with
zsh. the whole thing looks like:

CW="\[\033[0;1;37m\]"   #Color for [ and ]
CB="\[\033[0;1;34m\]"   #Color for label
CR="\[\033[0;1;33m\]"   #Color for value
NC="\[\033[0m\]"        #No Color
MT="\[\033[0;0f\]"      #Move to the top
SP="\[\0337\]"          #Save Position
RP="\[\0338\]"          #Restore Position
CL="\[\033[K\]"         #Clear Line

TOPBAR="$SP$MT$CL$CR User: $CB\u$NC$CR  Host: $CB\h$NC$CR Time:

i'm not really sure at all where to start with this, the only thing i
would really know how to do is "translate" the "\u,\h,\w" to something
zsh understands. can someone point me to a good place for starting to
"convert" this?



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