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Re: Ignore CVS directories in completion

On (2002/07/10 17:01), Darren Greaves wrote:

> I have the following two lines in my .zshrc
>     zstyle ':completion:*:(all-|)files' ignored-patterns '(|*/)CVS'
>     zstyle ':completion:*:cd:*' ignored-patterns '(*/)#CVS'
> One does files, one does dirs.
> I got them from someone here ages ago, and they work fine for me.

Rocking, I have my wits back! :-)

This does just about everything.  Typing '~/src/<TAB>' with a view to
finding a shell script to run and having the CVS directories excluded
there doesn't work, but that's an edge case, and your solution above
solves most of the problem for me.

Thanks!  I'll take a fresh look at the manpages and figure out _why_ it
works. :-)


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