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Re: zsh-4.04 and w3m browser

On Aug 28,  5:33pm, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
} But how to make it work for any command?

There is no answer but the facetious one:

for x in ${^path}*(Nx); do alias "${x:t}=globurl $x"; done

Shells are simply not designed to "think" in terms of URLs.  For one thing,
nearly every character that's a metacharacter in a URL is also a metachar
to the shell.  Ampersand is the most extreme example -- there is NO way
for the shell to know whether it means to separate commands or to separate
query parameters.  It's not worth the effort to make the built-in globber
"understand" URL scheme prefixes.

Bart Schaefer                                 Brass Lantern Enterprises
http://www.well.com/user/barts              http://www.brasslantern.com

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