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Re: History

On Sep 11,  1:42pm, GoTaR wrote:
} So removing from history is possible only by leading space, not by
} configurable pattern, is it right? :/

That is correct.  There was some discussion several months ago of having
a pattern match for history exclusion, but it didn't lead to anything.

It is, however, possible to selectively insert into the history commands
that would otherwise be ignored.  Try something like this:

  setopt hist_ignore_space
  alias cd=' builtin cd'
  function preexec {
    if [[ "$1" = 'cd '* && "$1" != 'cd "`echo '*'`"' ]]
      print -s "$1"	# explicitly add it to the history
    # else it already will be in the history, so do nothing

Bart Schaefer                                 Brass Lantern Enterprises
http://www.well.com/user/barts              http://www.brasslantern.com

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