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"interactive" menu completion and `complete-word'


I start menu completion like so:

zstyle ':completion:*' menu scroll=0 select=2 interactive

It works well for the most part, except `complete-word', which I've bound to the tab key, inserts
gibberish some times.

I would press 'tab' once to activate the completion mechanism, then when I press tab again
immediately, gibberish is inserted.  However if I press tab to activate the system, and then move
around with the arrow keys, tab works as usual.  I've bound the tab key to `forward-char' in the
menuselect keymap as a workaround.

Also, I noticed quite often, while using interactive menu complete the display becomes messy (e.g.
lines not cleared properly etc.)  I think this could be because I have a two line prompt, but I've
never noticed the problem with normal menu complete.



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