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Re: Completion in pwd before subdirecories

* On Mon Dec 15, Oliver Kiddle wrote:
> You need something like:
>   zstyle ':completion:*' file-patterns \
>       '*(-/):directories %p(^-/):globbed-files' '*:all-files'
>   zstyle ':completion:*' group-name ''
>   zstyle ':completion:*' group-order \
>       globbed-files all-files directories
> Unfortunately, that will now break for any completion which specifies a
> glob qualifier such as _chown. I've been meaning to go through adding
> `#q' into all of them to allow this.

I put your lines in my .zshrc, but now I get surprising results:

% ls -R
dar  dir  dor


i.e. dir is a directory including a file called dur.

Now "cat d<tab>" gives dir/, yet another <tab> gives dir/dur, and then it
stays dir/dur no matter how many times I hit <tab>. 


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