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Problem with case-insensitive completion with zsh compiled for cygw in

[I'm using zsh 4.2.0, compiled under a recent cygwin.]

By default I am able to complete files using the drive letter as a prefix,
$ ls c:/WIN<tab>    completes to c:/WINDOWS/

However, if I enable case insensitive completion with the following:

  zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-z}={A-Z}'

.. Then completion on paths starting with a drive letter no longer works:
$ ls c:/WIN<tab> fails to complete

However, if I `cd' to c:/ then both the following work:

$ ls c:/WIN<tab>    completes to c:/WINDOWS/
$ ls c:/win<tab>    completes to c:/WINDOWS/

Any idea how to get this working again when the path starts with a drive


    --- John

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