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Z-shell and secure shell (Problems with aliases remotely called)

Hi there,
aliases used with trailing "parameters" don't seem to work if called
remotely (via rsh or ssh).
Provided you defined an alias for user "remoteUser" on Host
"remoteMachine" which resolves to "/usr/local/bin/myScript
fixedParameter". This is the output of a sample session:
[root@localMachine] /export/home/root #  su - localUser -c "ssh -i
myKey remoteUser@remoteMachine '. ~/.zprofile;myAlias parameter'"
zsh: myAlias not found
[root@localMachine] /export/home/root #
Even if you prefix the alias call with "=" (equal sign) it doesn't work
although the error message differs.
[root@localMachine] /export/home/root #  su - localUser -c "ssh -i
myKey remoteUser@remoteMachine '. ~/.zprofile;=myAlias parameter'"
zsh: no such file or directory: /usr/local/bin/myScript fixedParameter
[root@localMachine] /export/home/root # 
Is there a way to fix that?
Thanks in advance

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