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Re: another Problem with ignore-line

Andy Spiegl wrote:

> Here are my current completion settings (I removed as much as possible):

> # General completion technique
> zstyle ':completion:*' completer _complete
> # don't complete the same filename
> zstyle ':completion:*:(rm|cp|mv):*' ignore-line yes

Try changing the ignore-line style to `other'. That is:
  zstyle ':completion:*:(rm|cp|mv):*' ignore-line other

Otherwise the current word (`a' in this case) is ignored along with any
preceding words.

The default if you don't have a completer style is for _ignored to be
run after _complete so normally that would pick up the current word. So
if you prefer, you can add the _ignored completer.

See the zsh-workers discussion starting 15998 for more on the
limitations of ignore-line.


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