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vared in scripts and history

Hi list,

I've got a question. I'd like to add a vared like line editor to some
interactive command. I've noted the "nslookup" user function approach,
but I was thinking of another way to do it, that would be more flexible:

use GNU screens :exec functionality.

Basically, if (within screen) I run:

screen -X exec '.!.' ./zf $TTY; tr a-z A-Z

Where zf is:

#! /usr/bin/env zsh
trap 'printf "\03"; exit' INT
while a=; vared -p "$2" -e a; do
  s=$(stty -g)
  stty -echo
  printf "%s\r" "$a"
  stty "$s"
} < $1
printf "\04"

I get the terminal builtin line editor replaced with zsh's line editor
for tr.

Which is already great.

Now, I'd like to add some history support. But I couldn't have it to
work. Is there any way?


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