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Re: Help parsing a file from one regex to another

On Jul 8,  5:30pm, Doug Kearns wrote:
} Subject: Re: Help parsing a file from one regex to another
} > I am trying to parse a range of data out of a file from one regular
} > expression up to another.  The input starts with `^@main::FLAGS' and
} > goes up to the next `)'  I am using awk right now, but it is *ugly*
} flags=( ${=${${${(f)"$(<$tmp_file)"}[(r)@main::FLAGS*,(r)\);]}#*\"}//[^[:upper:][:blank:]]/} )

That only works if the closing paren is on a line by itself, I think.
You need (r)*\); in the subscript expression, maybe even (r)*\);* if there
may be other stuff following the close-paren.

Also, that expression won't work if you replace FLAGS with PRIORITIES,
because (r)*\); always matches the end of the FLAGS assignment, which is
before the beginning of the PRIORITIES assignment.

To extract just the line(s) of interest from the file with sed:

sed -n -e '/^@main::FLAGS.*)/{p;q;}' -e '/^@main::FLAGS/,/)/p'

If you know that the close paren is never on the same line as the @main
then you can eliminate the first -e expression.

So to put the whole thing together:

flags=( ${${$(sed -n -e '/^@main::FLAGS.*)/{p;q;}' -e '/^@main::FLAGS/,/)/p' <$tmp_file)}//[^[:upper:]]/} )
shift flags	# Throw away the word "FLAGS" from @main::FLAGS

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