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Re: Native letters in Cygwin zsh

* Wojciech Pietron (2006-01-26 14:23 +0100)
> WinXP Pro,
> Cygwin.dll 1.5.19
> charset cp1250
> TERM=rxvt
> The only problem is with Cygwin and displaying Polish native letters. I
> usually use AltGr modifier (right Alt on standard PC keyboard) to have them
> typed. And seven of nine Polish native letters are displayed OK. Problem is
> with AltGr-S and AltGr-X. Instead of displaying Polish letters I can see
> two strange-looking chars (it looks like German 'umlaut' and 'SS') in the
> case of normal and capital letters. Similar problem with typing in vi. 
> There is no problem with it in the case of standard Windows application
> (notepad, Word, and so on).
> After a few hours spent in 'bindkey', 'stty' and similar stuff I am not
> very familiar with, I found out that after running a command 'setopt nozle'
> I am able to produce all Polish letters. Of course, I loose all
> functionality associated with 'Zsh Line Editor' module as well. What is more,
> problem remains in vi editor.
> Is there any simpler command to be able to enable Polish letters associated
> with AltGr-X and AltGr-S and not to loose all the functionality of 'zle'
> module?

Try setopt printeightbit

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