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Re: completion argument-n enabling

Phil Pennock wrote:
> Given:
>  function cyrus { sudo -H -u cyrus "/usr/lib/cyrus/$1" "${argv[2,-1]}" }
> I've managed to produce a mostly-working set-up:
>  zstyle ':completion:*:*:cyrus:*' file-patterns '/usr/lib/cyrus/*(*\:t)'
> However, I only want that completion to occur for the first parameter;
> but argument-n context needs to be enabled and I can't figure out how to
> do that.  To make:
>  zstyle ':completion:*:*:cyrus:argument-1:*' file-patterns \
> 						 '/usr/lib/cyrus/*(*\:t)'
> work, what do I actually need to do please?  The nearest that I could
> figure out was: zstyle ':completion:*:*:cyrus:*:arguments' _normal
> but that doesn't work.

As far as I know, only the _arguments completer has that capability,
so you need

_cyrus() {
    _arguments \
      ':cyrus file:_path_files -g "/usr/lib/cyrus/*(*\:t)"'

Note that you'll also get directories in /usr/lib/cyrus, although
I suppose there aren't any.  Stick a "." after the "(" to fix that.

> Also, if I instead use:
>  compdef '_files -g "/usr/lib/cyrus/*(*:t)"' -P '' cyrus
> (I know, it deals with all parameters, not just the first) why am I
> prompted with two sets of results, the correct filenames and then the
> sub-directories of the cwd?

_files tries to be smart about paths, but if you're trying to specify an
explicit path you don't want it to be.  Use the underlying function
_path_files, as I did above.

> Are there any simple examples which I should be looking for, covering
> this sort of thing?  The stuff I can find all uses custom _cmdname
> widgets and I couldn't find anything just offering plain "how to do X"
> for the sort of thing I'm attempting.  The nearest seems to be
> StartupFiles/zshrc which falls just shy of providing an example of
> per-command completion.

There are lots of examples of using _arguments in all sorts of different

Of course, if you really want a good explanation you need to buy From
Bash to Z Shell:  Conquering the Command Line (Apress).

Peter Stephenson <pws@xxxxxxx>                  Software Engineer
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