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Completion system: Supressing extra space ?


 I am experimenting with the completion system of zsh shell (4.3.2) to 
 supress one extra space.

 My current setting are:

    setopt compteinword
    zmodload zsh/complist
    zstyle ':completion:*:default' menu yes select
    zstyle :compinstall filename '/home/mccramer/.zsh.completion'
    autoload -U compinit

 Not only once I accidently did the following:

 #> rm -f agri<TAB>

 The menu/list of all files starting "agri" will appear ready to be
 selected. I saw, that _all_ files starting with "agri" should be
 deleted and typed a "*" and then pressing <RETURN> instead  of
 first pressing return, then delete the extra space after "agri" and
 then add a "*" and then finally press <RETURN> to execute.

 The behaviour, that I want is, that the cursor "sticks" at pattern
 "agri" when pressing "*".

 Is this possible in any way ?

 Kind regards and thank you very much in advance for any help!

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