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Re: Rebinding a widget within a keymap

Bart Schaefer wrote:
> Note that for builtin widgets the "for k in $keymaps" loop is extraneous;
> so it would be possible to embed this widget-name-by-keymap logic in the
> C code in ZLE, thereby making it possible to insert an "override" widget
> into any specific keymap simply by creating a new widget with the keymap
> name appended.  Old code that uses "zle -N builtin-widget user-function"
> would continue to work, but would break new code that relies on the by-
> keymap technique.

If it were done in C, I'd be tempted to use a more explicit indication
that there was (in effect) a namespace hierarchy in operation and have
the overriding widget name be $KEYMAP/$WIDGET or something like that.

Peter Stephenson <p.w.stephenson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Web page now at http://homepage.ntlworld.com/p.w.stephenson/

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