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Re: Makeing history harmless

Phil Pennock sent me the following 0.9K:

> On 2006-10-12 at 04:47 +0200, Meino Christian Cramer wrote:
> >  Is it possible to write a "something" to filter out certain commands 
> >  or to modify certain commands before they were copied from the
> >  commandline into the history ?
> (1) setopt hist_ignore_space
>     Then get used to typing a space at the start of the line of
>     dangerous commands.  The item remains in the history only until the
>     next command is run.

It took me a bit to catch on to the fact that the most recently executed
line is always in the history.

> (2) Combine that option with a new accept-line to apply it automatically
> -----------------------------< cut here >-------------------------------
> setopt hist_ignore_space
> function histfilter-accept-line {
>   emulate -L zsh
>   case ${${(z)BUFFER}[1]} in
>   (rm|rmdir) BUFFER=" $BUFFER" ;;
>   esac
>   zle .accept-line
> }
> zle -N histfilter-accept-line
> zle -A histfilter-accept-line accept-line
> -----------------------------< cut here >-------------------------------

I do this with:

   setopt hist_ignore_space
   alias rm=' rm'

Is there an advantage to using the widget?

Chris Johnson

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