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slightly OT: mimic zsh's right prompt in bash


I know that this is not directly related to zsh but I scent extended 
bash knowledge here (guessing from the "From bash to zsh" book).

My question is: how can I mimic a typical zsh prompt with the pwd at 
the right in bash:

My zsh prompt is:
user@host%                            /path/to/pwd

How can I mimic the right hand side in bash?


It's even possible in 4NT (cmd compatible replacement). The right hand 
side prompt simply gets overwritten when I type into it:

set prompt=`%_winuser@%_host%$g$s$e[s$e[%@inc[%_row];%@eval[%_columns 
- %@len[%_cwd]]H$p$e[u`

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