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Parameter expansion flag (%) priority.

zsh% print ${(%):-%n}  
zsh% print ${(U%):-%n} 
zsh% print ${(%):-%N} 

However, the docs say:

    U      Convert all letters in the result to upper case.

The 'letters in the result' led me to the assumption, that (U) would
be applied *after* prompt expansion is done be (%).
(Same applies to (L).)

Am I misunderstanding the docs (no native English speaker here), or am
I overlooking something? If not, should the docs be clarified?

(Background is, that someone on IRC asked for a way to lowercase the
 '%m' replace in the his PS1. Our proposal of %{(%L):-%n} turned out
 to be broken.)

Regards, Frank

In protocol design, perfection has been reached not when there is
nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
                                                  -- RFC 1925

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