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zle history and cursor position

I've found this useful, so I thought I'd share.  When you hit return it saves 
the cursor position, and then it's restored when moving to the last command in 
the history.

You need to have the cursor somewhere in the middle of the middle of the line 
when hitting enter to see it work.  Then press the up arrow.

### restore the cursor position when calling up/down-history ###
typeset -gi last_cursor_position=0
accept-line() {
	zle .accept-line
up-line-or-history() {
	zle .up-line-or-history
	if [[  $(( $HISTNO + 1 )) -ge $HISTCMD && $BUFFERLINES -eq 1 ]] ; then
down-line-or-history () {
	zle .down-line-or-history
	if [[ $(( $HISTNO + 1 )) -ge $HISTCMD && $BUFFERLINES -eq 1 ]] ; then

zle -N accept-line
zle -N up-line-or-history
zle -N down-line-or-history

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