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Re: Quoting with compadd

Simon Haines <simon.haines@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> This awful attempt is the best I could come up with so far (assuming
> 'compdef j_complete j')
> j_complete() {
> 	local -a dirs
> 	dirs=$(grep -o -e ${words[CURRENT]}'[^|]*' < ~/.j)
> 	compadd $dirs
> }

No need for taking the current word into account yourself.

> The completion needs to scan the file ~/.j for directories containing
> the completion word. The file has the format <dir>|<count>|<time>
> (notice non-greedy matching in egrep because of the second '|').
> Ideally completion should only be offered where the completion word
> matches the beginning of a path or part of a path string that follows
> '/'.

I don't quite know if I fully understand what you're after, but
consider this:


j_complete() {
  local -a dirs
  dirs=( ${${$(<~/.j)}%%\|*} )
  compadd $dirs

% compdef j_complete j
% j <tab>
results in 'j /fo'

% j /foo<tab>
results in 'j /foo/ba'

% j /home<tab>
results in 'j /home'

By common convention, completion functions are named starting in an
underscore. So you'd name your completion _j_complete().

If you do so, you could also put it into a file names _j_complete in
your $fpath, like this:

#compdef j
local -a dirs
dirs=( ${${$(<~/.j)}%%\|*} )
compadd $dirs

If that's in a directory in your $fpath before calling compinit,
compinit will take care of calling compdef for you. You could also
distribute the completion via your github repository.

Regards, Frank

In protocol design, perfection has been reached not when there is
nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
                                                  -- RFC 1925

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