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Buggy ignore-line feature on certain filenames?

hey there...

I think I just found a bug concerning the
zstyle ':completion:*:*:command:*' ignore-line yes
feature function...

I spent the whole day thinking I was doing something wrong but in the end... it turns out for this one not to be able to handle certain filenames..
To be exact - if you got multiple filenames starting with a [Â they wont get removed from the completition list.

So if you want to try it out.. simply apply that line above... then

mkdir test
cd !$
touch \[AA\]{01..10}\[BB\]12345.avi

and then try to use autocomplete - use mplayer for example instead of command.....
mplayer <tab>01<tab>
mplayer <tab><tab>Â (you will still be able to see the file 01 there - or with CTRL-D)

I tried with several zsh versions - without success...

still, ZSH is just the best!

best regards,


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