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Re: _expand completer and hashed dirs

[me in another message]:
>> So, now my completer line reads like this:
>> zstyle ':completion:*' completer _tilde _expand _complete _ignored _approximate
>> And that seems to do what I want so far. :-)

Bart Schaefer <schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> I'm glad the _tilde completer fixed you up.  Just a word of caution to
> others reading this thread:  Not all completion functions can be dropped
> into the completers list that way.

Yeah, and I should have though twice before doing so, too.

Because, after a while, I realizes that I had just screwed up my
entire completion setup. Stuff like 'git <tab>' started to act weird,
because all of a sudden, the _tilde at the start of my configured
completers tried to treat *everything* as a user name or hashed

So, I sat myself down and wrote up the following (it does something
special if $BUFFER is empty, too; that's an older idea):

function ft-complete() {
    emulate -L zsh
    setopt extendedglob
    local action context widget word

    if [[ -z ${BUFFER} ]]; then
        zstyle -s ":zle:ft-complete:${context}" action action || action=empty
        zstyle -s ":zle:ft-complete:${context}" widget widget || widget=complete-word
        case ${action} in
                zle ${widget} -w
                zle ${widget} -w

        return 0

    word=${LBUFFER##* }
    if [[ ${word} == \~* ]] ; then
        zstyle -s ":zle:ft-complete:${context}" widget widget || widget=complete-word
        zle ${widget} -w
        return 0
    zstyle -s ":zle:ft-complete:${context}" widget widget || widget=complete-word
    zle ${widget} -w
    return 0

zle -N ft-complete

And then I do this for configuration:

zle -C ft-complete-tilde complete-word _generic
zstyle ':completion:ft-complete-tilde:*' completer _tilde _expand _complete _ignored _approximate

zstyle ':zle:ft-complete:tilde' widget ft-complete-tilde

My main completer style now is this again:

    zstyle ':completion:*' completer _expand _complete _ignored _approximate

This seems to work rather nicely. Without screwing everything up in
the process. :-)

I just thought, I'd let people know before they waste time on trying
out my previous stupidities.

Regards, Frank

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