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How to make ESC to cancel current completion

Hi all,

So when zsh completes something, the cursor moves to the end of the
completed word (which is the expected behaviour). However, I often would
like to type <ESC> to undo the current completion and go back to the state
where I initially did my completion.

Here is what I am mean:

% ls <TAB>        # I hit tab once to complete ls
% ls a/<TAB>      # zsh completes to first matching file/dir, I hit tab to
% ls b/<TAB>      # I hit tab to iterate again
% ls c/<ESC>      # I hit ESC to go back to where I was before hitting tab
in the first place
% ls              # typing ESC undo-ed the last 'c/' completion

is there an option to make zsh behave like this ?

Thanks !

 -- Sébastien

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