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Re: Bash-like autocompletition

Matthias Brandt wrote:
> I'm just switching from bash to zsh and what i'm really confused about
> is the autocompletition. Can i tell zsh *not* to complete the whole
> first menu entry automatically?
> Something like this:
> $ ls
> aaaabcdefg  aabg  aabcdefg
> $ ls a<tab>                        #i want the cli only complete
> $ ls aa                            #until the first ambigous character.
> aaaabcdefg  aabg        aabcdefg   #<- the menu will be shown
> Any idea how to configure this?

As a quick-start into compsys, you may want to try this:


It's likely closer to what you want. You can go from there.

Regards, Frank

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