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Re: Zsh completion question

On Fri, 12 Nov 2010, Volodya Khomchak wrote:


I have very simple question about Zsh completion.
Situation is next, I have two commands:
   - moc
   - mocp

When I entered `moc` and pressed <TAB> zsh doesn't propose me to select `moc` or `mocp` command, instead of it space is added and now file list is shown as completion variants.

How can I fix it to set it in bash like mode ?

I was able to reproduce this by setting the zstyle:

zstyle ':completion:*' accept-exact true

That style isn't 'true' by default. If you set it intentionally, it sounds like you don't actually want it. If something at the system level sets it up, you can override it by adding:

zstyle ':completion:*' accept-exact false

somewhere in your startup scripts (e.g. ~/.zshrc).

You can test that it's currently set by looking at the output of:

zstyle -L ':completion:*'


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