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Re: zsh functions not playing nice.

2013-01-19 08:58:23 -0800, Ray Andrews:
> Gentlemen,
> I can't get this sort of thing to work:
>     $ nice -n 20 some-zsh-function
> returns:
>    "nice: some-zsh-function: No such file or directory.
> I can use 'nice' with any builtin or binary or script, just not with
> a function.
> How do I solve that?

~$ type nice
nice is /usr/bin/nice

There's no way it can know about a zsh function which is
something internal to the shell.

It *executes* a command. So what you think is a builtin is
the command version of it in /bin or /usr/bin:

~$ strace -fe execve nice echo test
execve("/bin/echo", ["echo", "test"], [/* 40 vars */]) = 0

What you could do is:

some-zsh-function & renice $!; fg

Note that it would run that function in a subshell.


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