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Sending CURL requests through ZSH fails


I've got the following CURL request. Sending it through ZSH fails, while
sending it through the default Ubuntu shell (SH) works.

curl https://api.stripe.com/v1/charges \
   -u sk_test_123495219ba2f84566e63fca0535d343: \
   -d amount=10.500 \
   -d currency=usd \
   -d card[number]=4242424242424242 \
   -d card[exp_month]=11 \
   -d card[exp_year]=2014 \
   -d card[cvv]=123 \
   -d "description=Charge for test@xxxxxxxxxxx"

Expected output (the output I get from SH):
  "error": {
    "type": "invalid_request_error",
    "message": "Invalid API Key provided:

Actual output (from ZSH):
zsh: no matches found: card[number]=4242424242424242

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