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Re: completion

On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 4:43 PM, Vincent Lefevre <vincent@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> But the ambiguity shouldn't be intentional.

Nevertheless, it is.  Maybe not so much unintentional, as made
unavoidable by the prior constraint that zstyle be a generic lookup
mechanism rather than be tightly coupled to the semantics of
completion contexts.

>       zstyle ':completion:*:complete:*' matcher-list [...]
> If * matches everything, then this could mean [any of]
>   :completion:[any function]:complete:[any cmd]:[any arg]:[any tag]
>   :completion:[any function]:[any completer]:complete:[any arg]:[any tag]
>   :completion:[any function]:[any completer]:[any cmd]:complete:[any tag]

You're correct, it could.  But "matcher-list" also has to match, and
THAT only happens in one of those three cases, so there's no need to
constrain the pattern any further (unless you WANT to; refer to my
car-cover analogy).

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