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Three-byte UTF-8 chars and $functions

Hi, ZSH users and workers,

I'm seeing some odd behavior related to multibyte UTF-8 characters that I don't understand. Maybe one of you could help me figure out? I don't know if it's user error, incorrect behavior expectations on my part, or an actual character handling issue.

The deal: If I define a function that contains a multibyte UTF-8 character that's three bytes long, the function itself and its representation from `which` work as expected. But if I grab the function definition to a string using `str="${functions[funcname]}"`, then that multibyte character seems to get garbled and come back as 3 characters, the bytes of which do not look like the original UTF-8 bytes. The ${#str} operator reports a different string length than I expected.

Is there something going on with character encodings and $functions? This sounds almost like it's getting re-encoded in a different encoding. Or maybe my expectation that ${functions[func]} can be extracted directly to a string is wrong?

Here's a zsh script that will reproduce the problem. This is in Unicode, and this email message should be encoded in UTF-8, but I'm not sure it won't get messed up on the way to the list. This code listing contains exactly one non-ASCII character, the character echoed by function foo(). It is U+25B8. The function should look exactly like "function bar () { echo 'x' }", but with the character "x" replaced by U+25B8 (as a single character, not an escape sequence of some sort).

Thanks in advance for any assistance or info you can provide.

# weird_unicode_func.zsh
# Shows weird behavior of multibyte UTF-8 Unicode characters
# in function definitions exposed through $functions

export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8

uname -a
echo zsh $ZSH_VERSION


# (Chosen because that's single-width, at least in Menlo/Meslo)
function foo () { echo '▸' }

# And a function that echoes a normal character
function bar () { echo 'x' }

# I'd think these *should* be the same length
# And they are, for "which": 21 chars each, on OS X
# And their output should be 2 chars each
which foo
echo `which foo | wc -m` chars
echo "foo output: $(foo | wc -m) chars $(foo | wc -c) bytes"
which bar
echo `which bar | wc -m` chars
echo "bar output: $(bar | wc -m) chars $(bar | wc -c) bytes"

# But capture their string representations...

# ...and in those strings, I see foo as 2 chars longer than bar
# (11 chars vs 9 chars)
echo '${functions[foo]} is:'
echo "$foo_str"
echo ${#foo_str} chars
# And wc doesn't even like it; looks like it's invalid UTF-8?
echo -n "$foo_str" | wc -m
echo '${functions[bar]} is:'
echo "$bar_str"
echo ${#bar_str} chars

# Plus, re-evaling it to define another function ends up
# producing weird output when that function is run
eval "function qux { ${functions[foo]} }"
which qux
echo qux output:
echo $(qux | wc -c) bytes
qux | wc -m

# end of script

And here's the output I get, on Mac OS X 10.9.5, using either zsh 5.0.2 (shipped with OS X) or 5.0.7 (installed via Homebrew). If the output gets garbled, know that I'm seeing the triangle as a single charater in the output of `foo` and `which foo`, but once it comes out of $functions, I'm seeing "?~?", where "?" is actually the "unsupported/invalid/no-glyph character" placeholder.

I see almost the same behavior on Debian Linux 7 with zsh 4.3.7. zsh's output seems the same, but there, wc (GNU wc 8.13) is happy with the later outputs, seeing them as 4 bytes and 2 chars. On Windows 7/Cygwin with zsh 5.0.7 and GNU wc 8.23, I see the same behavior as on Debian.

I get the same behavior if I don't explicitly assign LC_ALL; I'm just doing that for consistency (and not sure if I should).

I'm running zsh with an empty ~/.zshrc and all the default settings (AFAIK).

eilonwy% zsh weird_unicode_func.zsh
Darwin eilonwy.local 13.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 13.4.0: Wed Mar 18 16:20:14 PDT 2015; root:xnu-2422.115.14~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
zsh 5.0.2
foo () {
    echo '▸'
21 chars
foo output:        2 chars        4 bytes
bar () {
    echo 'x'
21 chars
bar output:        2 chars        2 bytes
${functions[foo]} is:
    echo '�~�'
11 chars
wc: stdin: Illegal byte sequence
${functions[bar]} is:
    echo 'x'
9 chars

qux () {
    echo '�~�'
qux output:
4 bytes
wc: stdin: Illegal byte sequence

Andrew Janke

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