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Re: completion implementation woes

# okiddle@xxxxxxxxxxx / 2016-10-02 03:31:54 +0200:
> Roman Neuhauser wrote:
> > i have difficult time with completion for a git subcommand i wrote,
> > and would appreciate a little help.
> >     _git-dirs-_args \
> >       - '(help)' \
> >         '-h[display usage]' \
> >         '--help[display man page]' \
> >       - 'command' \
> >         ":command:_git-dirs-_verb" \
> >         "*:option or operand:_git-dirs-_verb-arg"
> You'll find it solves quite a few of your issues if you change this to
> the two colon form:
>       "*::option or operand:_git-dirs-_verb-arg"
> When handling subcommands, it is important to drop initial arguments
> from the beginning of $words to avoid confusing later calls to
> _arguments. If $words contains ( git dirs init ), _arguments sees a
> command and two arguments. That's what _arguments called from _git
> wants but not good from _git_dirs-init.

  why does '*::' pop $words?

> Getting rid of the sets in _git-dirs fixes completion after git
> dirs init -N. Somehow it isn't getting past the first _arguments. --help
> style options can usually just be given an exclusion list of (- :)

  is there any chance to get the - thing working with chained _arguments
  calls?  this seems to be the least-clutter notation...

  in fact, i'd love to get as close to a grammatic pov as possible,
  and the more faithful the representation the better.  eg. activate
  does not take any operands, so the '*::option or operand:..' rule
  rubs me the really wrong way.

  _git-dirs = "git" gitopt* "dirs" op

  op        = help
            | cmd

  help      = "-h" | "--help"

  cmd       = activate
            | active
            | clone
            | init
            | list

  activate  = "activate" repo

  active    = "active" o_path?
  list      = "list" o_path?

  clone     = "clone" o_N? url repo
  init      = "init" o_N? repo
  o_path    = o_f | o_r | o_s

  o_N       = "-N" | "--no-activate"
  o_f       = "-f" | "--full"
  o_r       = "-r" | "--relative"
  o_s       = "-s" | "--short"


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