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Re: Anyone wants to join Zsh-Suite project, tools with integrations for Zsh software development

On 25 June 2018 at 14:51, Sebastian Gniazdowski <sgniazdowski@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
> be part of a "zsh-suite" – tools, with integrations, for Zsh software
> development? I have Zshelldoc, a Doxygen-like tool, and custom ctags,

To express what Zsh-Suite would be: suppose you create a backend
script at work, first you select subsystems: "log" (to store logs in
e.g. mysql (also e.g. ElasticSearch db), without performance
drawbacks, for e.g. easy remote access for e.g. aggregation or
monitoring), "Doxygen" (Zshelldoc actually, to generate documentation
for the project also taking care to properly construct the script,
with use of functions, for easy extending by other workers), "unit
tests" (to write a better code, too), and you issue similarly to

% zsh-suite create my-work-script -m log,doc,unit-test

and obtain skeleton with copied subprojects for the subsystems, with
hello-world main script that loads the "log" subsystem, with
unit-tests subdirectory with hello-world test case already set up.

Sebastian Gniazdowski
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