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Re: Strange problem with bindkey keys passing through to apps

On Friday 14 September 2018 13:20,
Daniel Shahaf <danielsh@xxxxxxxxxx> put forth the proposition:

> David Woodfall wrote on Fri, 14 Sep 2018 14:13 +0100:
> > I guess I was expecting something like in urxvt, when it grabs keys
> > and stops them reaching any applications. Screen does that too, even
> > in a plain console it grabs ctrl-a away from applications.
> >
> urxvt and screen are exactly the same thing, as far as zsh is concerned:
> they are an app that runs *outside* zsh and creates a pseudo-terminal
> for zsh to use.  That's why they're able to intercept keys before they get
> to zsh.
> > It's strange that it happens even when the applications don't have
> > binds for those keys though. I've now set one up in weechat for it,
> > but it will be annoying to have to do that for everything, that's if
> > they even do allow custom keybinds.
> It'll probably be easier to just always use screen when logging in to a
> console, and to configure that bind in screen.  (There's a way to
> configure screen as one's login shell, even.)
> Or you might look into configuring a keybind at the console level.
> Cheers,
> Daniel

Thanks for the help.

I did do try in screen but found that e.g. vim and weechat still see
it. I think I need to look into application level keys for it, rather
than a normal bind.


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