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Re: zle - keep state of the buffer on accept-and-hold or hold only part

Tomasz Pala wrote on Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:30 +0200:
> My usage scenario follows - consider having (not so) many files with similar
> names, like date/counter-suffixed. I need to perform some operations on them,
> one by one (the commands slightly differ, assume it's not scriptable
> worthy), e.g.
> [1] xsltproc style.xslt file_200701.xml [alt-a: accept-and-hold]
> [2] xsltproc style.xslt file_200701.xml | grep -v some_spam [accept-and-hold]
> [3] xsltproc style.xslt file_200701.xml | grep -i sth_interesting | actual command [accept-and-hold]
> [1] xsltproc style.xslt file_200702.xml [accept-and-hold]
> [2] xsltproc style.xslt file_200702.xml | grep -v something_other [...]
> Now, I got the " | grep -i sth_interesting | actual command" in xterm
> PRIMARY and insert it fast with alt-shift-insert - so the [3] line is
> fine. The [2] line changes depending on xsltproc output, it's written
> ad-hoc, no optimization can be made.
> However, most of the time I'm wasting is on going back to the point:
> xsltproc style.xslt file_2007 <- here.
> I can set a mark (ctrl-space) and then kill entire region, but the mark
> doesn't propagate to the buffer after accept-and-hold.

As a workaround, you might try changing your command to one of these:

% { xsltproc style.xslt - | grep … } <file_200701.xml
% <file_200701.xml xsltproc style.xslt - | grep …
% () { xsltproc style.xslt "$@" | grep … } file_200701.xml

This should make it easier to edit the filename, because it'll be at
the start or end of the command line.

Regarding your other points, I'll defer to others.



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