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Some zsh questions

Hi all,

I have this version of zsh:
zsh 5.4.2 (x86_64-ubuntu-linux-gnu)

And I have some questions:

(1) when I use ^X^V to enter vi command mode, then go to insert mode,
I can't get back to command mode using ESC, but using ^X^V again
works.  It's in the keymap:
% bindkey -M viins |grep -i cmd
"^[" vi-cmd-mode
Incidentally, for some reason ^X^V is not listed.

(2) When I'm using the bang history feature, is there a way to get the
! commands themselves, instead of their expansion, listed in the

(3) Copying and pasting acts weird when I use zsh but not bash; eg:
% echo $SHELL
% 0~echo $SHELL1~ 0~/bin/zsh1~

If it's not obvious, on the last line above, I copied "echo $SHELL"
and pasted it, pushed the space bar, and copied and pasted "/bin/zsh".
However, this seems to happen only when I paste to the prompt.  Here,
below, I copy and paste the same into "cat":
% echo $SHELL
% cat
echo $SHELL
echo $SHELL

Albert Wik.

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