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Re: Globbing symlinks-to-${glob_qualifier}

On Wed, Aug 18, 2021 at 7:32 PM Zach Riggle <zachriggle@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> How can I glob for all symlinks-to-symlinks-to-a-directory (etc)?

You can run a function from a glob qualifier by using the "e"
qualifier or its shortcut "+".  So it's possible to do almost anything
you want, it just might be slow.

This one shouldn't be too laggy.

zmodload zsh/stat b:zstat
function _ { # Chosen as a short name
  local -a L
  zstat -A L +link $REPLY && [[ -h $L ]]

# Print all symlinks to symlinks
print -r -- *(+_)
# Print symlinks to symlinks to directories
print -r -- *(+_-/)

In the last case (as Lawrence noted in a message that came in while I
was typing this) the "-" is going to run down the entire symlink chain
to find the ultimate target, i.e., you can't tell if there are exactly
two symlinks, just that there are at least two.

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