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Re: commit to history

On Fri, Aug 27, 2021 at 2:15 PM Pier Paolo Grassi <pierpaolog@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> the send-break widget returns a status code 1, and since I have a precmd that displays the last status code, I was wondering if it is in some way possibile to suppress that return status.

The short answer is no, there is not.  There was a long thread about
this on zsh-workers earlier this year, search "curious incident of the

As written your widget discards multi-line structures if invoked at
the PS2 prompt.  If that's intentional you can replace with:

commit_to_history() {
  print -rs -- ${(q)${(z)BUFFER}}
  if [[ -n $PREBUFFER ]]
  then zle accept-line
  else zle send-break

If you would prefer to capture multi-line structure at PS2,

commit_to_history() {
  local fullbuffer="$PREBUFFER$BUFFER"
  print -rs -- ${(q)${(z)fullbuffer}}
  if [[ -n $PREBUFFER ]]
  then zle accept-line
  else zle send-break

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